2024 Magazine Updates & Corrections

Despite our best efforts, occasionally we discover an error or needed correction after our magazine goes to print.  And, sometimes our stores change their contact information or store hours after the magazine goes to print.  Error corrections and updates listed below.

Page 12: The fabric sponsor is Benartex

Page 13: Spring Blue is actually Summer Blue and Summer Yellow is actually Spring Yellow.

Page 56: The deadline to turn passports in is Nov. 2, 2024

Page 67:  Sew Inspired is open 12-4 EVERY Sunday during the shop hop.

Page 43: Kat’s Fabric Korner is CLOSED on Mondays

Page 26:  Bolt correct hours are Tuesday thru Saturday 9-4.  They are only closed on Monday, not Monday and Tuesday.  The correct website  is: boltfabricsmaine.com.

We have a team that edits and proofs all magazine pages and our passports multiple times, and our stores all proof and approve their listings as well.  But…  we’re all human and sometimes things just get missed or overlooked.

We have found 2 errors that need to be corrected on your passport, and to be noted on the maps.

Bits N Pieces, Pellham, NH  – listed correctly in all maps in the magazine, but put in the wrong region on the passport. Please make the following changes to your passport:  Cross out the square for Bits N Pieces, Pellham, NH in the East Central Region. Add a box at the top of the Central Region.  Bits N Pieces stamp will be entered here.

Bayberry Quilt and Gift Shop, Chicopee, MA.  This store didn’t notice that their city pin was in the wrong location.  Chicopee is located south of North Hampton at the intersection of interstates 90 & 91 in the SOUTH WEST region.  This means they should be listed in the SOUTH WEST region.  NOT the South East region as they are listed in the magazine. Please make the following changes to your passport:  Cross out the Bayberry box under the South East Region.  Draw a box in the South West Region for their stamp to be placed.


Due to extreme flooding in the area, The Yankee Quilter (SW Region) is closed indefinitely. Their square in the magazine will now be a free spot.